KA has extensive experience in strengthening and inspections of existing structures to ensure safe continuous in-service operations and to avoid the endangerment of life, unplanned outages, and loss of assets. Our strengthening and inspection programmes are tailored to enhance confidence in accommodating site specific existing and proposed ancillaries’ installation including combination of existing and new primary structures. KA strengthening and inspection programmes are executed in accordance to industry recommended codes and standards, incorporating operators’ design guidelines.
Package Description
Our strengthening and inspection package include:
Lattice tower (including guy supported) strengthening GDC.
Existing tower extension GDC and monopole headframe upgrade.
Reusability assessment of existing foundations for new tower/monopole using designed resin anchors.
Foundation strengthening to accommodate increased super-structure loading including new heavy-duty structures.
Inspection of steel structure for corrosion and weld defects.
Inspection of concrete and masonry for cracks and weakness.
Lattice tower and monopole scheduled/ad-hoc in-service health inspection, including holding down bolts and flanges.
In-service inspection of lattice tower and monopole guy wire/ropes for anchor corrosion, tension, vortex induced vibration, fatigue induced weakness.
Existing holding down bolts hardness tests.
Chimney elevated mounted installations integrity inspection.
Rooftop integrity inspection for proposed installations.